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Berichterstattung Suizide

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Studienlage Deutschland/ Österreich / Schweiz

Brennecke, D., Bentlage, G., & Burn-out, U. (n.d.). Tierärzte in der Burn-out-Falle. 169–170.

Dürnberger, C. (2020). The last of us? An online survey among German farm veterinarians about the future of veterinary training, livestock farming and the profession in general. International Journal of Livestock Production, 11(2), 72–83.

Dilly, M., Hilke, J., Ehrich, F., & Geuenich, K. (2014). Unteruchungen zu Beschwerden, Belastungen und Ressourcen im Studium der Tiermedizin. Tierärztliche Rundschau, 69, 433–444.

Ewert, M. C. (2021). Untersuchung der Arbeitsumstände und Zufriedenheit nicht-kurativ tätiger Tiermediziner * innen in Deutschland ( 2018 ) Untersuchung der Arbeitsumstände und Zufriedenheit nicht-kurativ tätiger Tiermediziner * innen in Deutschland ( 2018 ).

Friedrich, B. J. (2006). Untersuchungen zur beruflichen und privaten Situation tierärztlicher Praxisassistentinnen und -assistenten in Deutschland.

Glaesmer, H., Bahramsoltani, M., Schwerdtfeger, K., & Spangenberg, L. (2021). Euthanasia distress and fearlessness about death in German veterinarians. Crisis, 42(1), 71–77.

Hildebrandt, N. (2018). Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Untersuchung zur Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Familie an der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule der Lehre.

Johanna Christine Kersebohm. (2018). Praktiker im Wandel.

Kantor, K. (2020). Psychische Belastung in der Tierarztpraxis. Kleintier Konkret, 23(05), 46–49.

Morgen, H. U. N. D., & Brandt, M. (n.d.). DIE BRANCHE DER KLEINTIERMEDIZIN Eine Umfrage unter Tierärzten und Tiermedizinischen Fachangestellten.

Katharina Charlotte Jensen, Sabine Schulte-Bahrenberg, Carina Blaschka, Elisabeth Brandebusemeyer, Maren Ewert, Anne Menzel, Juliane Munzel, Lilith Steingräber, Johanna R. Niggemann, Lisanne Damhuis, Tim Bonin, Dirk Remien, Christian Wunderlich (2022). Befragung angestellter Tierärztinnen in Deutschland – Teil 1 : Arbeitsbedingungen. 2022(135), 1–15.

Jensen, K. C., Blaschka, C., Brandebusemeyer, E., Hülsebusch, A., Munzel, J., Niggemann, J., … Schulte-Bahrenberg, S. (2022). Befragung angestellter Tierärztinnen in Deutschland – Teil 2: Arbeitszufriedenheit Survey. 2022(135), 1–15.

Schunter, N., Glaesmer, H., Lucht, L., & Bahramsoltani, M. (2022). Depression, suicidal ideation and suicide risk in German veterinary medical students compared to the German general population. PLOS ONE, 17(8), e0270912.

Schwerdtfeger, K. A., Bahramsoltani, M., Spangenberg, L., Hallensleben, N., & Glaesmer, H. (2020). Depression, suicidal ideation and suicide risk in German veterinarians compared with the general German population. Veterinary Record, 186(15), e2.

Schwerdtfeger, K., Glaesmer, H., & Bahramsoltani, M. (2020). Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte sind häufiger suizidgefährdet als andere Berufsgruppen. 68(7), 848–849.

Strehmel, P. P. (2006). Psychosoziale Belastung und der Konsum von psychotropen Substanzen bei Veterinärmedizinern.

Wiebke-Rebekka Gerdts. (n.d.). Eine Kategorisierung der ethischen Konflikte in der Tierarztpraxis.

Studienlage International

Cevizci, S., Babaoǧlu, Ü. T., Serpen, A., Yilmaz, O., Boyar, H., & Çelikel, S. (2014). Veteriner hekimlerde i̇ş stresi ve risk faktörleri. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 20(1), 41–48.

Chan, C. K. Y. (2022). Prevalence of suicidality , depression , and anxiety among Hong Kong veterinarians. 1–12.

Djokovic, A. (2020). Veterinarian Wellbeing in New Zealand: Examining the Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Programme in Improving Veterinarian Wellbeing Experiences, Affect and Self-Perception (a Mixed Methods Study). %281%29.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

Jones-Fairnie, H., Ferroni, P., Silburn, S., & Lawrence, D. (2008). Suicide in Australian veterinarians. Australian Veterinary Journal, 86(4), 114–116.

Leardmann, C. A. (n.d.). Behavioral health and sleep problems among US Army veterinarians and veterinary technicians. 258(7).

Mellanby, R. J. (2005). Incidence of suicide in the veterinary profession in England and Wales. Veterinary Record, 157(14), 415–417.

Miller, J. M., & Beaumont, J. J. (1995). Suicide, cancer, and other causes of death among california veterinarians, 1960‐1992. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 27(1), 37–49.

Milner, A. J., Niven, H., Page, K., & Lamontagne, A. D. (2015). Suicide in veterinarians and veterinary nurses in Australia: 2001-2012. Australian Veterinary Journal, 93(9), 308–310.

Perret, J. L. (2020). Mental health of veterinarians in Canada: prevalence of outcomes, associations with veterinarian characteristics and impacts on client perception of care. May, 1–167.

Perret, J. L., Best, C. O., Coe, J. B., Greer, A. L., Khosa, D. K., & Jones-Bitton, A. (2020). Prevalence of mental health outcomes among Canadian veterinarians. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 256(3), 365–375.

Tomasi, S. E., Fechter-Leggertt, E. D., Edwards, N. T., Crosby, A. E., & Nett, R. J. (2019). Suicide among veterinarians in the United States. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 254(1).

Tomasi, S. E., Fechter-Leggett, E. D., Edwards, N. T., Reddish, A. D., Crosby, A. E., & Nett, R. J. (2019). Suicide among veterinarians in the United States from 1979 through 2015. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 254(1), 104–112.

Winemiller, M. L. (2018). A Preliminary Study of Mental Health and Wellness in the Veterinary Field in Pinellas County Florida.

Yang, H. H., Ward, M. P., & Fawcett, A. (2019). DVM students report higher psychological distress than the Australian public, medical students, junior medical officers and practicing veterinarians. Australian Veterinary Journal, 97(10), 373–381.

Studienlage Prävention

Clise, M. H., Matthew, S. M., & McArthur, M. L. (2021). Sources of pleasure in veterinary work: A qualitative study. Veterinary Record, 188(11), no.

Dalum, H. S., Tyssen, R., Moum, T., Thoresen, M., & Hem, E. (2022). Professional help  seeking behaviour for mental health problems among veterinarians in Norway : a nationwide , cross  sectional study ( The NORVET study ). BMC Public Health, 1–10.

Dogan, H. B. T.-D. V. M. 360. (2019). Beyond the suicide hotline: When you or a a fellow veterinary professional is in trouble, there are options other than an anonymous 800 number. 50(9), 1+.

Gunn-McQuillan, H. (2017). What Can’t Be Taught Ce qui ne s’enseigne pas. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 58(2), 191–192.

Halliwell, R. E. W., & Hoskin, B. D. (2005). Reducing the suicide rate among veterinary surgeons: How the profession can help. Veterinary Record, 157(14), 397–398.

Hamilton, N. (1997). Coping with Stress and Burnout as a Veterinarian. Contemporary Accounting Research, 14(2), 203–213.


Lüthi, D. (2019). Wir müssen lernen, enger zusammenzuarbeiten. 100(46), 1554–1556.

McKenzie, A., Allister, R., Humphrey, D., Moore, K., Greenberg, K., & Greenberg, N. (2020). An evaluation of a veterinary-specific mental health service. Occupational Medicine, 70(3), 169–175.

Mellanby, R. J., Hudson, N. P. H., Allister, R., Bell, C. E., Else, R. W., Gunn-Moore, D. A., Byrne, C., Straiton, S., & Rhind, S. M. (2010). Evaluation of suicide awareness programmes delivered to veterinary undergraduates and academic staff. Veterinary Record, 167(19), 730–734.

Moutier, C., & Mortali, M. G. (2021). Suicide Warning Signs and What to Do. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Small Animal Practice, 51(5), 1053–1060.

Nett, R. J., Witte, T. K., Tomasi, S. E., & Fowler, K. A. (2020). Storage of euthanasia solution as a factor in addressing veterinarian suicides. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 256(12), 1321–1322.

Wooten, B. S., & Nason, E. (2022). #Pawsitiveawareness: To educate and promote being a powerful, strong-minded, uplifted veterinarian now and to be. May.


Weitere Artikel

Bartram, D. J., & Baldwin, D. S. (2008). Veterinary surgeons and suicide: Influences, opportunities and research directions. Veterinary Record, 162(2), 36–40.

Best, C. O., Perret, J. L., Hewson, J., Khosa, D. K., Conlon, P. D., & Jones-Bitton, A. (2020). A survey of veterinarian mental health and resilience in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 61(2), 166–172.

Boatright, K. (2021). Suicide: Our Professional Crisis. Today’s Veterinary Practice.

Böckelmann, I., Pohl, R., Darius, S., & Thielmann, B. (2022). Causes and consequences of psychological stress in the working life and emergency services of veterinary professionals in the Federal Republic of Germany: A protocol for a nationwide cross-sectional study. F1000Research, 11, 42.

Brscic, M., Contiero, B., Schianchi, A., & Marogna, C. (2021). Challenging suicide, burnout, and depression among veterinary practitioners and students: text mining and topics modelling analysis of the scientific literature. BMC Veterinary Research, 17(1), 1–10.

Delack, J. B. (2015). “Mental health and veterinary suicides” – A comment. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 56(2), 113.

Dunn, L. S., & Ervin, E. (2017). Helping Hurts.

Emmett, L., Aden, J., Bunina, A., Klaps, A., & Stetina, B. U. (2019). Feminization and stress in the veterinary profession: A systematic diagnostic approach and associated management. Behavioral Sciences, 9(11).

Fink-Miller, E. L., & Nestler, L. M. (2018). Suicide in physicians and veterinarians: risk factors and theories. Current Opinion in Psychology, 22, 23–26.

Fishbain, D. A. (1986). Veterinarians with psychiatric impairment – A comparison with impaired physicians. Journal of the National Medical Association, 78(2), 133–137.

Gyles, C. (2014). Veterinarian suicides. The Canadian Veterinary Journal = La Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 55(8), 715–718.

Health, M. A., States, U., & Distress, K. P. (2018). Surprising new findings on veterinarians’ mental health and well-being. 59(October), 1041–1043.

Holcombe, T. M., Strand, E. B., Nugent, W. R., & Ng, Z. Y. (2016). Veterinary social work: Practice within veterinary settings. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26(1), 69–80.

Jeyaretnam, J., Jones, H., & Phillips, M. (2000). Disease and injury among veterinarians. Australian Veterinary Journal, 78(9), 625–629.

Jurney, C., & Neurology, D. V. M. D. (n.d.). Not one more vet. 1–2.

Karaffa, K. M., & Hancock, T. S. (2019). Mental health experiences and service use among veterinary medical students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 46(12), 449–458.

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